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Religious Justification For War In American History A Savage Embrace: The Pequot War 1636-37 by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781499355284 List Price: $14.95
Oveta Culp Hobby and Her "Lieutenants": Transformational Leadership in Action in the Women's... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500374402 List Price: $9.95
Engineer Aviation Units in the Southwest Pacific Theater During World War II by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500370817 List Price: $9.95
The Failure of British Strategy During the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary W... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781499722260 List Price: $14.95
American Military History and its Insights into Fourth Generation Warfare (Defense) by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500317393 List Price: $14.95
The Iberian Leech: Napoleon's Counterinsurgency Operation in the Peninsula, 1807-1810 by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500294465 List Price: $14.95
A Study in Leadership: The 761st Tank Battalion and the 92d Division by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500373610 List Price: $12.95
Extremist Religious Ideologies and Military Strategy (Terrorism) by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500197360 List Price: $14.95
The Campaign of 1777: Examination of a Turning Point Using Dime (The American Revolutionary ... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500368678 List Price: $14.95
Legio Patria Nostra: The History of the French Foreign Legion Since 1962 (France) by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500383657 List Price: $9.95
Major General James Scott Negley and His Division at Chickamauga: A Historical Analysis (The... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500381622 List Price: $14.95
The Haqqani Network by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500318796 List Price: $9.95
The Battle of Hampton Roads: A Revolution in Military Affairs (The American Civil War) by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500149512 List Price: $14.95
Punctuated Equilibrium and Revolution in Military Affairs (Defense) by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500128654 List Price: $14.95
From Citizen Militia to Professional Military: Transformation of the Roman Army by Robert Verlic, U.S. Army Co... ISBN: 9781494255572 List Price: $9.95
Strategic Aggression - Conditions that Could Trigger Aggressive Military Action by the Peopl... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781497498228 List Price: $9.95
The Russo-Japanese War, Lessons Not Learned by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781497522282 List Price: $14.95
Second Seminole War - Establishing Favorable Conditions for Conflict Resolution by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781497521919 List Price: $9.95
Operating Below Crush Depth - The Formation, Evolution, and Collapse of the Imperial Japanes... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781497498297 List Price: $9.95
Civil Affairs in Unconventional Warfare by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781497481886 List Price: $9.95
Defeat at Kasserine: American Armor Doctrine, Training, and Battle Command in Northwest Afri... by U.S. Army Command and Gener... ISBN: 9781500823139 List Price: $14.95
Battle of Attu and the Aleutian Island Campaign by U.S. Army Command and Staf... ISBN: 9781511615334 List Price: $12.95
EYEWITNESS TO WAR: The Us Army in Operation Al Ajr, an Oral History by Gott, Kendall D., McCool, J... ISBN: 9780160773129 List Price: $35.00
Legacy of Ashes : The US Army and the Destruction of San Francisco by Alfsen, Erik C., U.S. Army ... ISBN: 9781940804125
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